Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Opening Sequence: LOCATION

In terms of location we initially had more than one idea, we thought about using the bullshead car park, which is a small car park located outside a pub near school. This would be helpful because it would be easy to get permission to use the desired setting since it is friendly with the school. The second location we thought about was a car park located about 5 minutes uphill from our school. This is a bigger car park, also not very busy where we could film in peace and create the mysterious vibe that our opening sequence needed, since it would be secluded from busy areas. We came up to a conclusion to use the car park uphill. This is because the car park would look more secluded than the pub's one, since this car park consists of mainly gravel and it is in the middle of nowhere. The environment of this car park suggests that it is away from urban areas since it is generally surrounded by trees. One issue we would have to face is that our filming might be interrupted a couple of times by people who go there and park their cars while they walk their pets. We would also have to ask these people not to park wherever the camera is pointing, just so that the audience, when viewing our opening sequence, understand that it is in an isolated area. 

Opening Sequence: PROPS

For our opening sequence we will need a variety of props, this includes one camera for the spy taking pictures of the killer and the wife. We will need a spy earpiece for him as well which we have ordered from amazon about five working days before hand, however, the earpiece did not arrive in time so we used our backup plan for this prop which was a walkie talkie. In my opinion the walkie talkie was more powerful due to the fact that it suggests to the audience that this is not a big spy in the industry, since he doesn't have expensive gadgets with him. Next, we need two cars for this scene, one car for the character playing the wife, and one for the killer who pulls into the car park during the opening sequence. We also need one envelope for the wife to hand into the killer. The envelope contains all the details of where her husband is, at  what time he does what, and so on. This also creates a sense of mystery in the sequence since the audience does not know what the envelope contains and since it is not uncovered. Next we need one pen and one small notebook or notepad for the spy to take notes of the scene. This again suggests a sense of mystery to the audience since we don't know what he is writing and also it is suggested that one of the two women are evil and are wanted by someone.

    Opening Sequence: Costume

    In our thriller opening sequence the group decided on plenty of things for the costumes that are going to be official on the sequence. 
    The character playing the wife would wear mainly black that connotes the fact that she is doing something bad when hiring a killer to murder her wife. We decided to throw in some colors as well such as her red shoes and the beige jacket. This was to portray her a little bit more as a wife, wearing casual clothes just how most people view it stereotypically.
    For the character playing the photographer  we want him to wear a brown leather jacket together with black gloves. We tried to cover up most of his body for the fact that we don't want the audience to be able to see him, not even his hands, in order to To keep some of the mysterious vibe. The character playing the killer would have to wear black jeans, a black and grey roll neck jumper, sunglasses, and black leather boots. Not only this will create the idea of her being a killer but also keeps her feminine side in touch with the audience.

      Opening Sequence: SHOOTING SCHEDULE

      When we shoot our opening sequence on Wednesday 21st of January 2015 my group and I will meet the actors at approximately 9:30 at Hurtwood House main building, where we will  go through with them the plans for the day. After we have done this we all get a mini bus to the the chosen location, ready to start shooting for 10.30. Shooting the opening sequence should take around 5 hours to make sure we get everything we need for when we start the editing process.

      Opening Sequence: SHOT LIST

      1.Establishing shot – High angle of car park
      2.Close up of hands holding camera
      3.Low angle close up of hands and camera from outside the pub
      4.Close up of walkie-talkie
      5.Close up of his hands taking notes
      6.Lady-killer’s feet walking towards camera

      P.O.V. SHOTS
      Long shot as car pulls up
      Mid shot of woman coming out the car
      Long shot of women as they meet
      Mid shot of women talking, then hands envelope
      Clos up of envelope
      Both women looking at camera

      Opening Sequence: Scene Outline

      Photographer’s set up in the pub
      Woman pulls up in car
      Meets other woman waiting
      They talk for bit then other lady hands woman a brown envelope
      After a while both women look at the camera then scene ends