Thursday 18 December 2014

Costumes for our thriller opening sequence

The three girls will be wearing black, we are still debating whether they will be wearing a black dress
or a black top along with black trousers. However one thing is established, the color black. We are sort of falling more towards the black dress side though.

Why Black?

Well because of the color's connotations. Black symbolizes  darkness, evil, mysterious, as well as sexiness.

We were also thinking of buying off Amazon a maid costume. Simply because of our location which will be in a Hotel, and in order to show the audience where the sequence is set it would be a good idea to have a maid in the background getting ready to clean a room. We are thinking of getting that traditional black and white french maid's uniform, just because it adheres the stereotype of the maid.

Last but not least, the victim who is the only man in the sequence would be wearing a suit. This is because of the way that people stereotypically view people wearing suits as being charismatic, wealthy, it shows his age and that he's a mature man who has a stable life and job. I'm the only boy in the group and unfortunately I don't have a suit, however I can ask some friends of mine to borrow it for the shoot.

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