Tuesday 20 January 2015

Opening Sequence: Costume

In our thriller opening sequence the group decided on plenty of things for the costumes that are going to be official on the sequence. 
The character playing the wife would wear mainly black that connotes the fact that she is doing something bad when hiring a killer to murder her wife. We decided to throw in some colors as well such as her red shoes and the beige jacket. This was to portray her a little bit more as a wife, wearing casual clothes just how most people view it stereotypically.
For the character playing the photographer  we want him to wear a brown leather jacket together with black gloves. We tried to cover up most of his body for the fact that we don't want the audience to be able to see him, not even his hands, in order to To keep some of the mysterious vibe. The character playing the killer would have to wear black jeans, a black and grey roll neck jumper, sunglasses, and black leather boots. Not only this will create the idea of her being a killer but also keeps her feminine side in touch with the audience.

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