Tuesday 20 January 2015

Opening Sequence: LOCATION

In terms of location we initially had more than one idea, we thought about using the bullshead car park, which is a small car park located outside a pub near school. This would be helpful because it would be easy to get permission to use the desired setting since it is friendly with the school. The second location we thought about was a car park located about 5 minutes uphill from our school. This is a bigger car park, also not very busy where we could film in peace and create the mysterious vibe that our opening sequence needed, since it would be secluded from busy areas. We came up to a conclusion to use the car park uphill. This is because the car park would look more secluded than the pub's one, since this car park consists of mainly gravel and it is in the middle of nowhere. The environment of this car park suggests that it is away from urban areas since it is generally surrounded by trees. One issue we would have to face is that our filming might be interrupted a couple of times by people who go there and park their cars while they walk their pets. We would also have to ask these people not to park wherever the camera is pointing, just so that the audience, when viewing our opening sequence, understand that it is in an isolated area. 

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