Monday 16 November 2015

Group Feedback on all Members' Album Artworks

My group and I got together in order to feedback each others' album artwork and provide feedback on what worked and what didn't work. In addition this also shows our process of coming up to the final conclusion as to which album artworkis best and which one we should use for the artist. However, we are still likely to manipulate our the decided product in this video in order to improve it and better it in terms of the conventions of the Genre, alternative RnB.

 Feedback for my album artwork:

I got some positive feedback as well as some negative feedback on my album artwork idea. However, it still ended up being discarded because it wouldn't work. The reason why it wouldn't work is because of a few reasons, one because it would give too much away about the video. Eventhough it would be possible idea, maybe I would need to be more subliminal and not too obvious about the connections my album artwork had with the music video. A good example of an idea that links in the album artwork with a music video is Green Day's American Idiot song and album, where they show the album artwork in the music videos a couple of times. My group however thought otherwise and decided that we would be very limited to tweaking the idea afterwards because it would still need to be something part of the music video.

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