Monday, 28 September 2015

Audience Profile

Segmenting the audience is a way of defining the audience in either a demographic way or a psychographic way.

Demographic segmentation is essentially where an audience is segmented accordingly to the social criteria. For instance, gender, class, race and sexuality. A prevalent way of approaching demographic segmentation is through the use of a JICNARS scale.The JICNARS scale is essentially divided into 6 categories being A, B , C1, C2, D and E, and it's being described in the picture below.
In order to achieve psychographic segmentation in an audience we must first understand what it is. Psychographic segmentation is basically combining a psychological profile of the consumer with ideas about how they conducted their lives in the market-place. VALS are the categories of distinguishing the psychographic segmentation. VALS stands for Values Attitudes and Lifestyles. This psychographic profiling system (VALS) consists of the following:
  • The actualisers = successful, sophisticated people who usually like to take charge with high self-esteem.These self centered people are interested in their own image in terms of independence and character. They are concerned with social issues and their possession and recreation reflect a cultivated taste for the finer things in life. Likely to be established or emerging leaders in business and government. 
  • The fulfilleds = are known to be the intellectual ones. Usually consisting of people who are about to or have retired.The mature, reflective people are well informed about the world and  are conservative . They are also practical consumers, meaning they look for functionality and durability on the products they buy.
  • The Believers = these are the religious people who are very conservative. They are very centered with their families, community and country. Not many of these people are educated any further than High School. Many of these are retired with moderate incomes
  • The achievers = these people are mostly high school graduates who have a white-collar job. Meaning they work office jobs in the area of administration, and management.These people are materialistic. The majority are not college graduates. These people tend to be married women around the ages of 30 and 40 who buy products to impress their peers.
  • The experiencers = These are young and enthusiastic. But also impulsive and rebellious. As the name says they are adventure and experience seekers. They like to take risks. They don't have a very big income and they don't have many responsibilities so most of the income they receive is used to purchase consumable goods like clothing, music and film
  • The Strivers = Are those who seek motivation and approval from the world. They are concerned about opinions and approvals of others. Money defines success for them but they do not have enough money and often feel as if life gave them a raw deal. These people copy those who are more successful in order to get approval from the people around them. 
  • The Makers = The makers are practical people who are self-sufficient. They experience a simple life revolving around family, practical work and physical recreation. These people are usually those who fix cars or those who grow vegetables. They are somewhat skilled in what they do. These people ar politically conservative, meaning they want to retain traditional political values in the world. They are not welcoming to new ideas and respectful to the government. 
  • The strugglers = These are mainly poor, very little educated, unskilled and without strong social bonds. Their main concern is security and safety. They are cautious consumers and usualy stick to their favorite brand only.

To what groups would my target audience appeal more? (JICNARS scale /and VALS)

I believe my target audience would appeal to almost all the social grade/class of the JICNARS scale. However, I have reason to believe that it would appeal the most to the social Grade D, those who belong to the working class. Those who are semi or unskilled manual workers. This is because of the context of most music of this genre. Usually artists who sing Rap/RnB/Hip Hop songs belong or used to belong in this social grade. The more famous artists of this kind of music serve as an inspiration to those who are still from "the ghetto".  In relation to VALS I believe that I believe that my target audience would belong to the newly made "TEENAGE VALS". Which are pretty self explanatory by their names. These include:
  • Trendies: Want attention and admiration from peers
  • Puritans: Want to feel virtuous
  • Innovators: Want to make their mark in a change of something
  • Rebels: Want to remake their image
  • Groupies: Those who want to be accepted
  • Drifters: Those who are unsure of what they want
  • Drop-outs: who give up from any kinds of commitment
  • Traditionalists: those who don't want change and want things to stay as they are
  • Utopians: Those who want the world to be a better place
  • Cynics: who always have something to complain about
  • Cowboys: Who want easy money
I believe that in terms of TEENAGE VALS my target audience would be part of either REBELS or TRADITIONALISTS, depending on their social background. If they were rich kids on private schools listening to this genre of music they would probably be REBELS because they are not part of the target social grade of the type of music. TRADITIONALISTS however would include kids from a lower social class, probably in public schools who listen to the genre.If we were to only talk about the normal VALS instead of the TEENAGE VALS, the targetaudience for our music video would be considered to be EXPERIENCERS, those who are young and rebellious and want to experiment with everything since they are still so "new" to the world.

What I Was Set To Do After Pitch

After our group pitching our first idea for the first time, we were given some constructive feedback for the idea. We then responded to that feedback and before re-pitching it again to Luke, each one of us got set different tasks to think about and construct from in order to come up with a stronger main idea for our re-pitch. I was assigned to think about the water sequence.

For the scene with the water we were thinking of filling up the room with ankle height water and have the dancer do her dance moves on the shallow water. We would then capture some of the splashes and put them in slow motion, which we thought was an awesome idea. However, Despite adding a lot of "spice" to our music video and being an idea that is do-able,  due to time constrains it is no longer in our music video. This is because it would take a lot of effort and consume a lot of time to flood the whole studio. Not to mention the time it would take to take all the cables and electronics out of the floor and probably taped to the wall over ankle height. Now if we were doing this water sequence for an extended period of time in our music video, then perhaps the idea would be considerable. However, since we decided as a group to only use that water sequence in one small sequence, and considering the fact that we only have one day to shoot the whole entire music video this idea has been scratched out.

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Feedback For The Re-Pitch Of Main Idea

So today, 23/09/2015, we re-pitched our main idea after being manipulated from Luke's first feedback. Generally, Luke was empathetic to our pitch, however he still provided our group with some feedback. Luke said the following things:

  • The most interesting bit is the room filling with water, however the water is used too little and it would take a lot of work to flood the studio up to ankle height for such a short part of our music video idea. It is a bit pointless to fill up the room with water for one shot only.
  • He said we had to pick one of the following: Either we tone down the sexual dance whilst using a Hurtwood student for the job,  or we keep the sexual dance but hire an actual professional dancer.
  • Lastly he said that despite we are still sort of tied in to the idea of the man walking whilst lip syncing and going towards the girl. We must make him do things a bit more interesting as opposed to just walking.. 

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Pitch Feedback

We were fed back today by Luke after presenting our pitch. Luke had a very serious and honest mindset when giving feedback from our pitch presentations. He told our group a few things that we needed to work on in order to get his approval for the idea...

  1. Female part is more interesting than the male part who simply walks down a street.
  2. Slow motion will require a lot more movement than what we have in mind in order to make it look more interesting.
  3. The male character seemed to be slightly out of place.
  4. We will need to choreograph a whole dance. We will have to spend some extra time making the dance and teaching it to her until she memorizes it.
  5. Luke really like the idea of the watery floor, plants, and the red room.
  6. The street scene wouldn't really work.
  7. Good song choice.
  8. We need another element to the music video. It is still too short.If we only use the elements we have now the video would very quickly get boring. 
 After being given all this feedback we had to respond to it. So, here is our response in order to obtain a better video.

  1. Make it more about her in bed, dancing and "teasing" the audience and less of the man. 
  2. Animate his performance and using water splashes from the female dancer as she steps around the ankle-height flooded room, and then applying slow motion to the splashes.
  3. Make male part stronger, yet still keeping it relatively shorter than the female's.
  4. We will need to consider and book some extra time in to know exactly what we are going to do for the dance, if it is do-able, and how it will be taught to our female character.

Our Main Idea Re-Pitch

So basically, after pitching our main idea on Tuesday we were told that it would not be interesting by Luke. We then decided to manipulate the idea based on his feedback in order to improve it and re-pitch it and hopefully get his approval, since we like our main idea a lot more than our second.

"Plan B" Idea Pitch Presentation

This is our "plan B" idea just in case our main idea is not do-able.

First Pitch Presentation

This is our first pitch presentation idea, before it was changed.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

First Meeting With Music Video Coursework Group (16/09/2015)

Today, Wednesday the 16th of September, we were put together in our groups during our Media Class in order to discuss what we would be presenting in our pitch to Matt (part of the media department staff). We've established a "plan B" idea that would work well for our group and that would be easily do-able regarding our school's materials and capacities. However, we still haven't fully developed our "plan A" idea because we still need to put the pieces together. For our main idea we have only listed different scenarios that would be happening during the video, however we have not ordered these events yet.

Basically, the "plan B" idea which we came up with during class starts off with red lighting on the rapper/performer as he walks slowly while rapping towards the camera.

 As the rap progresses and the performer gets angrier and more emotional we decided that it would cut to the performer tossing a molitov cocktail on fire to the floor and making it explode and catch on fire.

The millisecond that molitov cocktail hits the floor the shot changes to a red lit mosh pit of the rapper performing in the middle with everyone dancing on beat around him.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Idea 3 Digipack

"Kygo - Nothing Left" is a tropical house track, following that electronic music structure but with a more chilled out, relaxed, slower rhythm and melody. The font and background I was thinking of utilizing are very similar to this one...
As it can be seen, the font is very simple, no complex lines what so ever. The simplicity of the font relates to the style of music not being confusing and stressful and yes, being calm and chilled out. The background looks very clean and simple, again emphasizing those qualities of the genre.

However, despite this song being tropical house, it does not have the "happy" qualities that most music from the genre have. This song gives more of a cloudy colder weather, however still being laid back and giving that impression of relaxing outdoors. So the only thing I would change from that previous image is the fact that it is a warm, nice day out. What I have in mind is something more like...
Now for the website I am imagining the same kind of font for the title, with the same kind of cloudy beach chilled out theme.

Idea 2 Digipack

  • I could imagine the track "Matisyahu - One day" having the picture of a man with a hopeful and thoughtful look on his face in the bottom half of the album cover. As such...
  •  The background for the design of the album cover would be plain white to resemble the face that he is thinking about something that does not exist yet. Because the color white connotes the idea of something non-existent.
  • I then imagined having a little cartoon looking cloud, coming out of his head to resemble thought. Just as it can be seen on cartoons and comic books...

    • In that cloud, I imagine people smiling and holding hands. And the title across the people's torsos along the line ... 

      Now for the artist website

    • Firstly, I did some research on the artist and found out he's a Jewish singer for rap/reggae/hip-hop/R&B that does not follow the stereotype that most artists for this genre have, which consist of drugs, violence, making women objects, disrespect. Instead of those, Matisyahu strongly believes that if everyone contributes to becoming a better person, the world would be a better place. And that is what most of his music is about.
    • So for the website I thought of using pictures of random people performing simple good deeds. All the pictures would be in black and white and in a faded collage format. These following image give an idea of what I mean. Basically substituting the shapes by the black and white pictures.  

    •  The tabs would take you to different places of the website each with different background images, but still following that black and white theme. The music tab would have a background of the artist performing to a small crowd. While for instance the merchandise tab would have a background of people who are committed to making a change and wearing T-shirts with inspirational quotes regarding a quest to a more peaceful, better world.

Class Feedback For My Music Video Campaign

I presented my favorite music video campaign idea to the class which was idea 2 (Matisyahu - One Day). And I was given feedback for it. Firstly, I was told that we have one day to film our music video, and it would very likely take the whole entire day to film the scenes of the man helping people out and being a good person. Besides that, we also do not have the capacity to block the streets for a shoot, and in addition, we would probably run into a lot of issues regarding the social privacy of people by making a shoot and their identity being caught on tape.

One suggestion I got from a student is to actually perform these good deeds to actual people and have the camera out of the person's sight to make it more real. However that is when all the identity privacy issues came into place.

Someone else said that maybe it would be a bit repetitive having a person helping out others from start to finish, so a change in narrative would be nice.

One last issue that was brought up was the fact that it would be tough to shoot in a city as busy as London. In fact it would be tough to shoot in any major city. This is due to the fact that these cities are crowded at all times. Also, not to mention the fact that there can be really dis-respective people bothering us throughout the shoot.

Monday, 14 September 2015

Idea 1 Digipack

  • "Skrillex and Diplo present Jack U" is the name of the album that consisted of the song "Where are you now" featuring Justin Bieber. and here is the album cover... 
  • The album cover I had in mind for this campaign is a kind of tribal looking album cover, set in a sort of rainforest environment. This is because when the beat drops in the song we can hear tribal sounding drums. 
 The set for the album would look sort of like this:

  • I imagine having some kind of tribal characters in the set. Maybe some native American or Indian looking people as such: 
    • An album cover that in a way resembles the one I have in mind is Katy Perry's "Roar" album cover..
  • For the font in the ablum cover that would say "Skrillex and Diplo present Jack U"I would use a plain white font which has a slightly arched. This is a good example to explain the arch.
  • Difference from this is that mine would consist of completely straight lines with a bit sharper edges.

For the Website I would keep the Rainforest/Tribe theme and the title font from the album cover. However I was thinking of making it in a certain way that as the user scrolls down, more and more of the rainforest would appear. What I mean by this is that at the top of the website page, the background would be of simple the sky and the sun positioned at aroun 4pm. As the user would scroll down the page, the background would slowly reveal what is below . So slowly it would reveal the top of the trees and some birds, then it would reveal the wood from the trees, then then some high plants, and then the floor with the tribe. 

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Understanding Concepts

Justin Bieber - What do you mean?

Genre: Pop

Concepts and conventions: The red, violet, purple lights symbolize romance. The close ups of intimate body parts connotes there is sexuality in the video attracting the target audience (young women who are in search of the perfect men).

A$AP Rocky - Wassup

Genre: Rap

Concepts and conventions: The sex, the money, the girls. All these are conventions we are most likely to find in a rap track. As contrary to the genre indie rock, rap artists want to show off what they have and try to create jealousy within the audience. For example we get close ups of the Ferrari logo in the artist's car. A concept that is also likely to be found in these kinds of music videos are that women are being shown as objects as opposed to humans, contrasting Justin Bieber's "What do you mean" which shows Justin taking good care of the woman.

Goodbye Chanel - Foreva | Sofar Leeds

Genre: Indie Rock
Concepts and conventions: The fact that the band is performing the song only acoustically, it makes it look as if these people have the talent. Because the band is what appears to be backstage, it shows that they don't need fancy lights or sound engineers to make them sound good, they can do it themselves. Lastly, if we compare this band to ASAP rocky we can clearly see that they are opposites, this indie band focuses more on the pure talent and keeping their music to themselves while the rapper shows off all his accomplishments and tries to make him look like he's the best.

Idea 3 Music Video

Track 3- Kygo - Nothing Left (ft. Will Heard)

  • The artist Kygo is known for popularizing a new music subgenre called Tropical House . He is known for making very chilled and laid back songs, usually heard in the summer. He is similar to artists like Lost Frequencies and Felix Jaehn. My idea for this music video does not follow much of a narrative nor a performance aspect. I imagine this song being danced to in maybe a pool party or a tropical beach. However for the purposes of England's Geological location I would imagine a pool party would be easier to do. I cannot imagine a narrative to this song since the lyrics also don't tell a story. Basically what I imagine with this track is people dancing and having a good time in a sunny day's pool party.
  • As in for visuals I can mostly picture bright natural lighting, colorful swimming clothes, beach towels, a few beers and footballs or volleyballs. 
  • This video would fit in with the brand image of the artist simply for the fact that tropical house is imagined with a tropical beach vibe. However it can still be set in a sunny day pool; party.

Idea 2 Music Video

Track 2- Matisyahu - One Day

  • The artist who sung this track is a Jewish singer who often mixes rap music with reggae with hip hop. He is known for being such a good person and making songs that send messages to the society about being better people. In the lyrics of One Day he sings about helping people and stop fighting for a better future which is basically what my idea for the music video would revolve around. My idea for this music video would be the main actor (while lip syncing) performing good, simple deeds while walking out in the streets. He'd be for example, helping an old lady cross the street, saying hello to people, stopping by a grocery store to buy food for a homeless, doing a charity donation, etc. 

  • I think at one point he could show up performing the song to a small crowd of people just to portray the fact that he is trying to send the message of the song to everyone. The artist would be wearing a simple regular outfit while performing in a small sized stage. This performing bit would be likely to show up in the last chorus of the song.

    •  The narrative of my idea would be fairly simple, just consisting of the actor going around town helping people who cannot help themselves. Showing his concern for a better society and that there are people trying to make a better future.
    • Stylistic elements: I imagine this being in a busy street, perhaps from an old/urban looking city. I imagine it being a regular day slightly cloudy but still with some sunlight to get as many natural lights as possible.
    • The video would fit in with the specific track because of the lyrical context of the song. The singer talks about helping people and his expectations and beliefs of what a better future would be like. "One day this all will changeTreat people the same. Stop with the violence. Down with the hate. One day we'll all be free. And proud to be. Under the same sun. Singing songs of freedom like. One day".
    • The video would fit in with the brand image of the artist because he is known to be a very good human-being. Normally his songs are made with a social or political message within them, expressing his opinions on problems the world is facing nowadays, in this song's case, violence and disrespect.

    Idea 1 Music Video

    Track 1- Skrillex, Diplo - Where Are You Now (ft. Justin Bieber)

    • My idea would revolve around the concept of a man searching for this girl he'd fell in love with. Basically it start off with a man having sudden flashbacks in his bedroom of a club night or a party scene where he saw a beautiful girl with whom he'd fell in love with. The artist would be lip syncing the whole time with close up's of his mouth/face when he says where are you now, in order to portray the fact that he wants to get back with this girl. At one point he goes out in search for her and that would be present in the drops of the song, using slow motion shots of him walking around town and asking people if they had seen this girl through an iPhone picture.
    • I do not think that there would be any performance in the music video since the song is very electronic and very perfect sounding. 
    • Stylistic elements:  By listening to this track I can imagine it being a cloudy, rainy day to portray the fact that even though it is raining he is still on the search showing how desperate he is. At the start  of the video I can imagine him laying in his bed in his bedroom with poor lighting while getting those flashbacks of the party. 
    • The video concept would fit with the brand image of the artist because it shows an actor being all cute and searching around town for a girl which would fit into the Justin Bieber brand image. However, the depressed dark lit room kind of represents an opposite, which falls more into the Skrillex punky brand image.