Monday, 28 September 2015

Audience Profile

Segmenting the audience is a way of defining the audience in either a demographic way or a psychographic way.

Demographic segmentation is essentially where an audience is segmented accordingly to the social criteria. For instance, gender, class, race and sexuality. A prevalent way of approaching demographic segmentation is through the use of a JICNARS scale.The JICNARS scale is essentially divided into 6 categories being A, B , C1, C2, D and E, and it's being described in the picture below.
In order to achieve psychographic segmentation in an audience we must first understand what it is. Psychographic segmentation is basically combining a psychological profile of the consumer with ideas about how they conducted their lives in the market-place. VALS are the categories of distinguishing the psychographic segmentation. VALS stands for Values Attitudes and Lifestyles. This psychographic profiling system (VALS) consists of the following:
  • The actualisers = successful, sophisticated people who usually like to take charge with high self-esteem.These self centered people are interested in their own image in terms of independence and character. They are concerned with social issues and their possession and recreation reflect a cultivated taste for the finer things in life. Likely to be established or emerging leaders in business and government. 
  • The fulfilleds = are known to be the intellectual ones. Usually consisting of people who are about to or have retired.The mature, reflective people are well informed about the world and  are conservative . They are also practical consumers, meaning they look for functionality and durability on the products they buy.
  • The Believers = these are the religious people who are very conservative. They are very centered with their families, community and country. Not many of these people are educated any further than High School. Many of these are retired with moderate incomes
  • The achievers = these people are mostly high school graduates who have a white-collar job. Meaning they work office jobs in the area of administration, and management.These people are materialistic. The majority are not college graduates. These people tend to be married women around the ages of 30 and 40 who buy products to impress their peers.
  • The experiencers = These are young and enthusiastic. But also impulsive and rebellious. As the name says they are adventure and experience seekers. They like to take risks. They don't have a very big income and they don't have many responsibilities so most of the income they receive is used to purchase consumable goods like clothing, music and film
  • The Strivers = Are those who seek motivation and approval from the world. They are concerned about opinions and approvals of others. Money defines success for them but they do not have enough money and often feel as if life gave them a raw deal. These people copy those who are more successful in order to get approval from the people around them. 
  • The Makers = The makers are practical people who are self-sufficient. They experience a simple life revolving around family, practical work and physical recreation. These people are usually those who fix cars or those who grow vegetables. They are somewhat skilled in what they do. These people ar politically conservative, meaning they want to retain traditional political values in the world. They are not welcoming to new ideas and respectful to the government. 
  • The strugglers = These are mainly poor, very little educated, unskilled and without strong social bonds. Their main concern is security and safety. They are cautious consumers and usualy stick to their favorite brand only.

To what groups would my target audience appeal more? (JICNARS scale /and VALS)

I believe my target audience would appeal to almost all the social grade/class of the JICNARS scale. However, I have reason to believe that it would appeal the most to the social Grade D, those who belong to the working class. Those who are semi or unskilled manual workers. This is because of the context of most music of this genre. Usually artists who sing Rap/RnB/Hip Hop songs belong or used to belong in this social grade. The more famous artists of this kind of music serve as an inspiration to those who are still from "the ghetto".  In relation to VALS I believe that I believe that my target audience would belong to the newly made "TEENAGE VALS". Which are pretty self explanatory by their names. These include:
  • Trendies: Want attention and admiration from peers
  • Puritans: Want to feel virtuous
  • Innovators: Want to make their mark in a change of something
  • Rebels: Want to remake their image
  • Groupies: Those who want to be accepted
  • Drifters: Those who are unsure of what they want
  • Drop-outs: who give up from any kinds of commitment
  • Traditionalists: those who don't want change and want things to stay as they are
  • Utopians: Those who want the world to be a better place
  • Cynics: who always have something to complain about
  • Cowboys: Who want easy money
I believe that in terms of TEENAGE VALS my target audience would be part of either REBELS or TRADITIONALISTS, depending on their social background. If they were rich kids on private schools listening to this genre of music they would probably be REBELS because they are not part of the target social grade of the type of music. TRADITIONALISTS however would include kids from a lower social class, probably in public schools who listen to the genre.If we were to only talk about the normal VALS instead of the TEENAGE VALS, the targetaudience for our music video would be considered to be EXPERIENCERS, those who are young and rebellious and want to experiment with everything since they are still so "new" to the world.

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