Wednesday, 16 September 2015

First Meeting With Music Video Coursework Group (16/09/2015)

Today, Wednesday the 16th of September, we were put together in our groups during our Media Class in order to discuss what we would be presenting in our pitch to Matt (part of the media department staff). We've established a "plan B" idea that would work well for our group and that would be easily do-able regarding our school's materials and capacities. However, we still haven't fully developed our "plan A" idea because we still need to put the pieces together. For our main idea we have only listed different scenarios that would be happening during the video, however we have not ordered these events yet.

Basically, the "plan B" idea which we came up with during class starts off with red lighting on the rapper/performer as he walks slowly while rapping towards the camera.

 As the rap progresses and the performer gets angrier and more emotional we decided that it would cut to the performer tossing a molitov cocktail on fire to the floor and making it explode and catch on fire.

The millisecond that molitov cocktail hits the floor the shot changes to a red lit mosh pit of the rapper performing in the middle with everyone dancing on beat around him.

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