Tuesday 13 October 2015

Rehearsal Process For Our Firs Option For Lead Role

Joe Helmen, Hurtwood Student was asked by us to meet up during our coinciding free times and film a couple of scenes as his rehearsal process. This was done to see how he would look on camera and see if he is or is not the ideal person for the role.
We made Joe walk towards the camera outside to resemble the street shot of him walking towards us. And we made Joe walk in a corridor at school towards the camera and through a door, as if he was walking to the room where the woman is waiting for him. Here are the videos:

As it can be seen, he keeps a quite chilled out style as he walks and as he walks into the room. As pretty much a blank facial expression as he walks past the camera. The relaxed, distracted look on his face fits in very well with the laid back and depressive theme of the song, which s why we think he would fit in perfectly as our main character.

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