Thursday 24 September 2015

Feedback For The Re-Pitch Of Main Idea

So today, 23/09/2015, we re-pitched our main idea after being manipulated from Luke's first feedback. Generally, Luke was empathetic to our pitch, however he still provided our group with some feedback. Luke said the following things:

  • The most interesting bit is the room filling with water, however the water is used too little and it would take a lot of work to flood the studio up to ankle height for such a short part of our music video idea. It is a bit pointless to fill up the room with water for one shot only.
  • He said we had to pick one of the following: Either we tone down the sexual dance whilst using a Hurtwood student for the job,  or we keep the sexual dance but hire an actual professional dancer.
  • Lastly he said that despite we are still sort of tied in to the idea of the man walking whilst lip syncing and going towards the girl. We must make him do things a bit more interesting as opposed to just walking.. 

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